The KCHN Care Coordination Program is part of a team of professionals made up of doctors, nurses, social workers, local agency representatives (from HopeSource, Comprehensive Healthcare, Aging and Long-term Care to name a few) as well as Promotoras de Salud, Community Health Workers, Care Coordinators and Community Paramedics.
Clients are referred to our program by a provider or can refer themselves. After we receive a referral we contact the client within 5 business days. We screen them for their needs, explain our program, and obtain consent to share their information with our partners so we can best assist them in improving their situation and health.
Next, the Care Coordinator and Community Paramedic contact the client to schedule a home visit. During this home visit the Community Paramedic will assess vital signs, take a medical history, and check the client’s understanding of their medical needs while the Care Coordinator listens. The Care Coordinator will then talk with the client to assist them in making goals based on the needs discussed with the Community Paramedic in the first part of the visit.
All this information is shared with the team so that we can assist the client with bettering their health and safety. We can refer them to services and programs with a warm handoff. Complex clients can remain in our program for further assistance, advocacy, and monitoring.
Hearts and Hands: a service provided by KCHN, now has FREE hearing aid batteries and COVID-19 tests available for all Kittitas County residents. For details please call (509) 968-5117.
Hearts and Hands: un servicio brindado por KCHN, ahora tiene baterias de aparato auditivo GRATIS y pruebas de COVID-19 disponibles para todos los residents del condado de Kittitas. Para mas detalles, por favor llame al (509) 968-5117.
While supplies last.
We are still experiencing a high volume of referrals. We aim to respond to them as soon as possible, but it currently may take 2-5 business days. Please explore our list of community partners and the services they offer in our Resource Guide which is below.
The Kittitas County Health Network wants to thank Coordinated Care for their generous financial support and confidence in our Care Coordination program. Through their generosity, our Kittitas County Care Coordination program continues to grow and serve those with complex health needs while reducing use of emergency medical services. Thank you, Coordinated Care!